Thank you for applying to be a member at St Luke’s Community Centre for classes, activities, events and many more benefits.
We need to confirm your address is in our area of benefit before we can process your application. Once your application is approved we will send you a payment link to complete the process.
If you are not in our area of benefit but would like to apply for our Business Start-up – Firm Futures, this has a different criteria and you can find out how to apply by using this link.
If you want to book onto our Job Club or IT Training (PC Pals) and live in the borough of Islington please contact the St Luke’s Business Engagement Team on 020 7549 8181 or email us at [email protected]
Finally if you are over 55 and want to join our lunch club and live in the borough of Islington please contact our reception team during office hours, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm on [email protected] or call 020 7549 8181.
You will only be able to book events once application is accepted and your payment is received.
Many thanks
St Luke’s team