
Complaints Policy

St Luke’s aims to provide high quality services which meet your needs.

Complaints Policy in Detail

St Luke’s aims to provide high quality services which meet your needs. We believe we achieve this most of the time but we need to know if we are getting it wrong. To ensure the work of St Luke’s Community Centre improves, we have a procedure to inform us if you are dissatisfied with our services. This policy will be made available to all employees through the Staff Handbook. A copy of this policy will be displayed on the public notice boards inside the Community Centre and on the St Luke’s website.

If you are not happy with your experience at St Luke’s, please let us know.

If you are unhappy about any aspect of your experience with St Luke’s please speak, in the first instance, to the relevant manager (ask for this information at reception). If you are still not satisfied then make an appointment through the Reception Team to speak to Keren Wiltshire, the Director of Services.

If you wish to make a complaint about a member of staff

If you are unhappy with a member of staff at St Luke’s, it is usually best to discuss it with him/her directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then please speak to the staff member’s manager or the Director of Services.

Making an Oral Complaint

Often we will be able to give you a response to your oral complaint straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will record your complaint and aim to respond within five working days. All oral complaints will be brought to the Senior Management team for review

Making a written complaint

St Luke’s Complaints Policy

Reg. Charity No 207497

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, please write to the Director of Services. If your complaint is about the Director of Services, please write to, the ChiefnExecutive. If your complaint is about the Chief Executive, you should write to the Chair of Trustees via [email protected] or in a letter addressed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, St Luke’s Community Centre, 90 Central Street, London EC1V 8AJ. Please leave your letter with our Reception. All written complaints will be recorded and you will receive a written acknowledgement within five working days.

Our aim is to investigate your written complaint and give you a reply within ten working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date or being considered.

If, after we have responded, you are still dissatisfied, please write to the Chair, who will report the matter to the next Trustees Board meeting; the Board meets 4 times a year. The Board will make a final decision on how to resolve the complaint.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at St Luke's Community Centre

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Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9am – 7pm
Reception Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
9am – 5pm