We’re delighted to announce a new corporate partnership with Plan A Consultants, whose London office is based close to St Luke’s in Goswell Road.
Plan A are a specialist independent consultancy focused on design management for architects. Since 2015, Plan A have supported the world’s most respected architects on projects of all shapes and sizes, from transformational urban design to cultural institutions, sports stadia, airports, universities and resorts.
George Birch, Design Manager at Plan A, says: “We are looking forward to working with St Luke’s on both large scale volunteering events and longer-term community projects, and have already planned a Tea, Tech and Cake session at the Centre for people needing support with anything digital. Working with the St Luke’s team and ensuring the work we complete is fulfilling and beneficial to the local community is particularly important for us as a local organisation.”
John Garces, Business Engagement Manager at St Luke’s, says, “We’re thrilled that Plan A has signed up for one of our Corporate Support packages and are on board with the help we provide for our local community. We’re excited to be working with them on various events like Tea, Tech, and Cake, addressing the digital divide together, and contributing to our ongoing community projects to serve the diverse community of South Islington.”
Find out more about Plan A on their website www.planaconsultants.com